Thursday, May 5, 2022

Getting Through …

This week has been a lot more smooth. The follow-up with the Pulmonologist showed virtually no change in my lung function except that this year I had a positive response to the Albuterol they administer during the PFT, when in previous years I didn’t respond to it. Or, at least not enough that warranted being prescribed a “just in case” inhaler. So, that’s new. I’m not excited about it, but not upset either. As he said “you’re doing really well considering the level of lung compromise you have, so having this on hand can only help if you need it.” 

I don’t need to see him for six months and I’m back on track for yearly PFTs. Thank. Goodness. 

Through this whole cancer fiasco - yes, I’m calling it a fiasco because of the holy hell of ups and downs this past year has been - through it all my team has grown with some awesome additions that I LOVE! The heart failure specialist is amazing. His whole team and office have been wonderful. BUT. The new echo technician and I have VERY different definitions of what constitutes a gown. 🤣 Now. I’m not the most fashion forward person. Hell, without my fashionista guru Kelly, I’d be a hot mess. However, I DO know what a gown is and this paper bolero jacket she gave me for my echo this morning is not the gown she called it! 😂 

And, the six week nerve block administered for Neil’s eviction surgery? Yeah, we’re not twenty weeks post surgery and I didn’t feel the cold electrodes, the warm gel, or the wand during the echo. Other than knowing what she was doing and feel some extra pressure in the one spot, I didn’t feel a thing. Weird. That’s what I’m going with. 

Unless there is some weird result from today’s echo, which I’m guessing that’s not, unless my “Moves Like Jagger” during the car dance party from this morning’s commute “Funked It Up” and caused some anomaly, hopefully the follow-up next week will be “it” for awhile. I’m hoping I’m now back on track for my next cancer monitoring in six months and yearly Scleroderma testing after that. 


The sign in the office this morning told me I’m amazing, and in general, I DO remember it. Y’all, I’ve been through some shit in the past twenty years AND I’M STILL HERE. Who’s that girl with the long hair? And a figure? And not a care in the world? And my pretty hair from the night I shaved it all off for chemo. I don’t even know her. Twenty years can change a LOT! So, through all that, I can confidently without ego say, I am amazing. I DO remember that. AND even though that’s the case, these months of new medical drama have tired my ass out and this girl needs a break. 

Nevertheless, I will Persevere. I. Will. Rock. On. 


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