Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Week 3 Wasn’t So Bad

Gratitude is a practice that has helped me get through many things with what others refer to as “grace”. I’m not always “there”. Some situations still let me lose my cool. But I find that if I can find the things that make me smile a little or feel warm in the inside and be grateful for those feelings, then I can more easily let the hard shit go. 

These infusions and this part of the journey with cancer are definitely hard and finding gratitude is what can make or break the day. 

This was week 3 and holy hell was it so different! We got an IV in on the 2nd try. All my tools and tricks helped.

Today just a tiny list of the things I’m grateful for:
~ the best infusion to date. 
~ I have yet another emergency travel purchase that keeps me warm and has such a great memory attached to it. Love you, Alexis. 
~ Amazon rechargeable hand warmers 
~ having the strength and energy to enjoy a few minutes outside with Penny. 
~ Care team member Cooper for making sure Mommy is ok. 

We all know the saying about great days and great moments … Not every day is a great day, but some part of every day can be great.

Today was a great day to have a great day and to let that help me to LIVE A GREAT STORY! Persevere. Rock on. 💋🤘🏼

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